Портирование Nord Invasion

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Re: Портирование Nord Invasion

Post Number:#31  Postby K700 » 13 Jul 2014, 09:48

Нужна информация о золоте за высокоуровневых врагов. Мне урвень не позволяет в одиночку валить мобов свыше 60xp.
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M&B Status:
Reputation point: 156

Re: Портирование Nord Invasion

Post Number:#32  Postby zDevilBox » 14 Jul 2014, 05:47

M&B Status:
Reputation point: 70

Re: Портирование Nord Invasion

Post Number:#33  Postby K700 » 14 Jul 2014, 09:05

Меняем 0.31 на 0.305. Теперь сходится.
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M&B Status:
Reputation point: 156

Re: Портирование Nord Invasion

Post Number:#34  Postby K700 » 19 Jul 2014, 21:23

Прогресс работы над модом - начата разработка сайта

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M&B Status:
Reputation point: 156

Re: Портирование Nord Invasion

Post Number:#35  Postby zDevilBox » 20 Jul 2014, 18:07

Написал на каких лвлах появляются новые квесты. Добавлены все. Вообще большинство квестов придумали игроки, всем кто задонатил на их сайт 5$+ дали право добавить один квест с одобрения администрации. Что касается exp за оставшихся ботов, выложу их чуть позже.
Lvl 0:
Heads, spikes, walls

The Nord Hired Assassins are striking down some of our greatest warriors at key points in the battle. Those who would strike us down for pay must be discouraged; heads, spikes, you get the picture. So be watchful fellow Swadians and bring the King two dozen Assassin heads that they might be displayed upon our city walls and you will be richly rewarded.

Kill the following:
24 x Hired Assassin
2000 Gold
500 Assist XP
35 FP
This quest is repeatable every 5 Days

lvl 1:
Farmland Demolition

We need you to hit the Nords where it hurts, their supply lines. With fewer farmers their frontline operations will be hampered.

Kill the following:
5 x Nord Farmer
10 x Nord Farm Hand
250 Gold
10 FP
1 x Staff
This quest is repeatable every 1 Days

lvl 2:
Peasant Envy

The Nords are sacrificing themselves on our walls, wave after wave of peasants are no match for our finest warriors, show them what we are made of!

Kill the following:
50 x Nord Peasant
500 Gold
10 FP
This quest is repeatable every 2 Days

lvl 3:
Dat Club!

Nords love their axes & clubs, and Nord Brutes are no exception! They are chopping down our forest, stealing our wood and not to mention cleaving people in two on the battlefield!

Help us eliminate them and thin out their numbers before they catch you off guard with a club to the face!

Kill the following:
20 x Nord Brute
400 Gold
250 Assist XP
15 FP
This quest is repeatable every 3 Days

Dead at the Top

With no leaders to organise their attacks, it may buy us enough time to launch a counter attack of our own. Take down the Nord higher ups and you may just save the day for us.

Kill the following:
1 x Nord Sargeant
500 Gold
25 FP
This quest is repeatable every 3 Days

lvl 4:
Serf's Up

With the introduction of Nord Serfs and their sharp blades we need someone willing to do the dirty work of putting them in their place.

If you choose to help us with this less than glorious task, you will be rewarded adequetly.

Kill the following:
42 x Nord Serf
500 Gold
15 FP
This quest is repeatable every 4 Days

lvl 5:
Ignore the Head... Attack the FEET!

Swadia calls upon you! We had thought that killing the Nord leadership would send the troops into panic. Nords dislike weakness, and as soon as one leader falls a new one steps in to take over. So we will try a new tactic. Kill their Followers, and no one will step up when we kill the leader afterwards. Some say kill the head, and the body dies. We say break the legs, and the body will no longer follow.

Kill the following:
50 x Nord Follower
250 Gold
500 Assist XP
15 FP
This quest is repeatable every 5 Days


Even the mightiest swadian warrior will recieve some wounds in battle, patch yourself up before you crush once more into the fray !

Do the following:
100 x restore health (25 / 100)
Swadian Faction Points20 FP
1 x Simple Medic Box
This quest is repeatable every 14 Days

Gears of War

While the brave swadians fight near endless hordes of nords, they also need to resupply. Search the battlefield for ammunition !

Do the following:
100 x refill ammo
20 FP
1 x Small Ammo Crate
This quest is repeatable every 14 Days

lvl 6:
Praise be to the Gods

Great strength can be found within the gods. They will watch over you on the battlefield, so you must keep them happy.

Give an offering to the shrine on five different days to prove your devotion.

Do the following on different days:
5 x praise at the shrine
250 Melee XP
250 Ranged XP
150 FP
This quest is repeatable every 7 Days

Say Your Prayers!

The nords gain courage through their priest! If we strike down their priests they'll come to battle as craven cowards. It is your task to slay any and all nordic priest you come across. After you have throttled all the holy men sent against our forces, you shall be aptly rewarded.

Kill the following:
50 x Nord Priest
2000 Gold
200 Assist XP
This quest is repeatable every 6 Days

lvl 7:
Dodge this!

King Ragnar has hired the javelineers from the Western Woodlands. In exchange for gold they have turned from hunting deer and boar to hunting Swadian soldiers. Swadian archers are pinned down, dodging their javelins. Help out the army by giving them time to aim for Nord heads.

Kill the following:
30 x Hired Javelineers
500 Assist XP
This quest is repeatable every 6 Days

lvl 8:
Can't Hit a Moving Target

Those rangers are sneaky bastards. They will hide away somewhere and shoot at you when you least expect it!

Use your cunning and speed to out maneuver their arrows and take them down a peg.

Kill the following:
30 x Nord Ranger
30 FP
This quest is repeatable every 4 Days

lvl 14:
Angriff! Angriff!

German Zweihanders have been spotted making right for us! General Omaha is ordering the instant slaying of these fierce warriors who lust after only blood and gold, in that order! Great care and strength will be required to punch through their armour, so make every hit count!

Kill the following:
25 x Mercenary Zweihander
2000 Gold
1000 Assist XP
25 FP
This quest is repeatable every 6 Days

lvl 20:
Collecting Heads

General Tarimoth has taken notice of your prowess on the battlefield! You are hereby ordered to go head-hunting in the name of your King!

You are required to collect two-and-a-half dozen heads from the accursed Nords. Prove the Swadian might by defeating whatever troops they send at you, pesky-peasant-heads alone won't do!

Great adaptation will be needed if you are to beat every Nord the enemy throws at you.

Kill the following:
1 x Nord Peasant
1 x Nord Farmer
1 x Nord Follower
1 x Nord Intruder
1 x Nord Serf
1 x Nord Chuff
1 x Nord Brute
1 x Nord Trooper
1 x Nord Huscarl
1 x Nord Shock Trooper
1 x Nord Huntsman
1 x Nord Recruit
1 x Nord Town Watch
1 x Nord Trapper
1 x Nord Pikeman
1 x Mercenary Zweihander
1 x Nord Levy Militia
1 x Nord Militia
1 x Nord Trained Recruit
1 x Hired Blade
1 x Swadian Deserter
1 x Nord Priest
1 x Hired Javelineers
1 x Mercenary Sea Raider
1 x Nord Veteran Pikeman
1 x Nord Slaver
4000 Gold
2000 Assist XP
45 FP
This quest is repeatable every 7 Days

It was said that you would destroy the Nords, not join them.

They were to bring balance to Calradia, not leave it in darkness.

Kill the following:
35 x Swadian Deserter
1500 Assist XP
40 FP
1 x Bastard Sword
This quest is repeatable every 5 Days

lvl 25:
Crazy Repeatermen

The nords have devised a new weapon of war to break our lines. They say one man can take down many in a matter of seconds! General Gismo demands you kill the operators of these deadly weapons. Get to it!

Kill the following:
30 x Nord Repeaterman
2000 Gold
2000 Assist XP
This quest is repeatable every 6 Days

lvl 32:
Break the shields that block us

Good offense beats strong defense every time. Take away the defenses of the Nord army, starting with the shieldmaidens

Kill the following:
50 x Nord Shield Maiden
1 x Great Hammer
This quest is repeatable every 7 Days

Investigation Time

Elite Eastern Mercenaries has joined forces with the Nords for reasons unknown. An eerie resemblance to something he can't quite put his finger on, has led General Fingus to start an investigation into this matter. He needs help collecting evidence, preferably dead, and lots of it.

Kill the following:
50 x Eastern Elite Mercenary
2500 Gold
5000 Assist XP
This quest is repeatable every 2 Days

In it for the Long Haul II

We need to know you're serious about your commitment to the Swadian Army.

Show us this commitment in Nord Blood and you will be rewarded handsomely.

Kill the following:
2500 x Nord Veteran Pikeman
1000 x Varangian Guard
750 x Nord Veteran Shock Trooper
10000 Gold
350 FP
This quest is repeatable every 7 Days

You and who's army?

Without her guards there is a chance our forces may be able to overwhelm the impossibly powerful Nordic Princess through sheer numbers. Our efforts will likely fail, but we shall not abandon hope! Slay her guards and kill the last heir to the Ragnar's line.

Kill the following:
20 x Queens Guard
3000 Gold
100 FP
20 x Bent Sword
This quest is repeatable every 7 Days

lvl 39:
End their trolling days!

Tricksters and their leader Loke have been trolling for far too long. King demands of you to end their lives

Kill the following:
1 x Loke
40 x Trickster
15000 Assist XP
20 FP
This quest is repeatable every 7 Days

Send them back to Valhalla!

It’s time we sent a message to Odin. His Valkyries have descended to claim the dead Nords souls to become Einherjar. Do not be taken in by their good looks, these deadly Valkyries must be slain post-haste to prevent more Nords ascending to Valhalla!

Kill the following:
15 x Valkyrie
5000 Gold
2 x Mystic Charm
This quest is repeatable every 7 Days

The artillery must be destroyed!

A catapult? No. A ballista. No! Saitenbacher cornflakes? Noooooo! Some kind of crazyness went through the nordic lines when they thought first time about using some artillery in battle, and the results are ugly, heavy armored and headshot giving devils! That's why swadia needs heroes now to bring these monsters back to hell. Give headshots on your own and show the nords that even artillery is useless against us!

Kill the following:
20 x Nord Repeaterman
5 x Dvergar Ballistaman
20 x Mercenary Ballistaman
20 x Mercenary Repeaterman
5000 Assist XP
25 FP
1 x Heavy Crossbow
This quest is repeatable every 6 Days

lvl 40:
Whalers Ragnarok

The war has taken it's toll on the North aswell. Even men who are vital to their economy are being deployed against us. From the cold isles of Ekki come the Whalers, their longboats have been spotted along our shores raiding villages and slaughtering our small folk. They are growing bolder every day, raiding far inland whilst leading the Nordic hordes as some vile vanguard. The order is simple kill any of these and bring proof of their demise to a local lord for payment.

Kill the following:
10 x Whalers of Ekki
2500 Gold
500 Assist XP
This quest is repeatable every 7 Days

lvl 52:
Legacy of a Hero

It is well known in norse tales of old, the legend of a war, a war to end all wars. Even their gods would crumble, nature itself would revolt and the world would end. As the nords approach victory, they too approach us, the final stand for Swadia.

Kill the following:
1 x Nord Sargeant
1 x Nord Captain
1 x Nord Warlord
1 x Nord Prince
1 x Nord Commander
1 x Heimdallr
1 x Tyr
1 x Loke
1 x Thor
1 x Odin
1 x Royal Vanguard Commander
1 x Royal Torturer
1 x Nord Siege Captain
1 x Nord War Marshal
1 x King Ragnar
1 x Princess Dortea
50000 Gold
This quest is repeatable every 5 Days

Добавлено спустя 18 минут 57 секунд:
Квесты которые мне не известны на каком лвле они появляются, но думаю впихнуть куда-нить не составит труда.
Time to retire the veterans

We have done well and held back alot of Nord soldiers... But it is not over yet! Captain Winkledink has seen a large group of the Nords feared Veteran Pikeman comming our way, if we crush their respected veterans the Nord soldiers will be cowering back to where they came. Time to show the Nord king that not even his veterans can take us down!

Kill the following:
40 x Nord Veteran Pikeman (2 / 40)
3000 Assist XP
Swadian Faction Points50 FP
This quest is repeatable every 7 Days

Dodge this, Again ?

Spear Throwers everywhere! Help out the army by killing those bastards and we will reward you.

Kill the following:
70 x Heavy Nord Spear Thrower (0 / 70)
60 x Nord Spear Thrower (0 / 60)
1000 Assist XP
Swadian Faction Points25 FP
This quest is repeatable every 7 Days

The Butcher Work

Our scouts reported to us that the Nords are sending something horrible at first waves of the new invasion. It is your mission to stop them before it is too late!

Kill the following:
80 x Mounted Farmer (0 / 80)
70 x Nord Herder (0 / 70)
500 Melee XP
500 Ranged XP
500 Mounted XP
500 Assist XP
Swadian Faction Points25 FP
This quest is repeatable every 7 Days

Get Back in the Kitchen!

The nords are already pressuring you from all sides and now they are trying to demoralize you by letting even theír angry wifes attacking you ? No way! Send them back to their kitchens or slaughter them , if they refuse!

Kill the following:
500 x Angry Nord Wife (72 / 500)
Swadian Faction Points10 FP
1 x Frying Pan
1 x Apple
1 x Raw Fish
This quest is repeatable every 10 Days

In it for the Long Haul

We need to know you're serious about your commitment to the Swadian Army.

Show us this commitment in Nord Blood and you will be rewarded handsomely.

Kill the following:
2500 x Nord Peasant (663 / 2500)
750 x Nord Intruder (70 / 750)
1000 x Nord Serf (181 / 1000)
Swadian Faction Points250 FP

P.S. Насчет режима "Mounted", у меня достаточно мало инфы т.к. не играю, но могу поспрашивать и пособирать инфы с форума.
M&B Status:
Reputation point: 70

Re: Портирование Nord Invasion

Post Number:#36  Postby K700 » 21 Jul 2014, 19:00

СzDevilBox Спасибо. Пособирай пожалуйста.

Прогресс работы: реализованы классы и прокачка персонажей. Кроме прокачки силы и ловкости, о которой нет достоверной информации. Походу придется изобретать велосипед.
Писать только по поводу доната, аренды серверов, рекламы, сотрудничества, найденных багов, проблем с регистрацией ID. Ну или телочкам, желающим переспать. Не занимаюсь администрированием серверов, разбанами, жалобами, набором админов, не ставлю значки в тс.
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M&B Status:
Reputation point: 156

Re: Портирование Nord Invasion

Post Number:#37  Postby Troll » 24 Jul 2014, 06:42

Если нужна информация о крафте , то я прокачиваю Armorsmith`а
Salvage Old Boots-3x Old Boots=1 x Rough Cloth

Salvage Crooked Sticks-3 x Crooked Stick=1 x Basic Wood

Salvage Metal-3 x Bent Sword=1 x Scrap Metal

Recruit Armor-8 x Rough Cloth+3 x Scrap Metal=1 x Swadian Recruit Armor

Craft Rus Shoes (All First Tier)- 1 x Basic Leather+1 x Rough Cloth+1 x Basic Wood=1 x Rus Shoes

Leather Gloves (All)-1 x Basic Leather+2 x Basic Wood=1 x Leather Gloves

Craft Leather-3 x Rough Cloth=1 x Basic Leather

Eastern Brown Robes (Militia)-2 x Basic Leather+2 x Rough Cloth=1 x Eastern Brown Robes

Craft Leather Jerkin (All First Tier)-2 x Basic Leather +2 x Rough Cloth=1 x Leather Jerkin

Eastern Green Robes (Militia)-2 x Basic Leather +2 x Rough Cloth= Eastern Green Robes (Militia)
Craft Foreign Cap (All)-1 x Basic Leather+2 x Basic Wood =1 x Steppe Cap

Craft Mail Gauntlets (Inf/Long/Cross/Skirm)-5 x Scrap Meta+3 x Rough Cloth+1 x Normal Charcoal+1 x Chain Links=1 x Mail Gauntlets

Craft Gambeson (All First Tier)-5 x Rough Cloth +1 x Scrap Metal+1 x Basic Leather+1 x Needle =1 x Gambeson
Craft Skirmisher's Gambeson (Militia)-14 x Rough Cloth+4 x Basic Leather+3 x Scrap Metal+3 x Needle=Skirmisher's Gambeson

Craft Crossbowman's Padded Leather (Cross)-18 x Rough Cloth+5 x Basic Leather+4 x Scrap Metal+3 x Needle=Crossbowman's Padded Leather

Craft Padded Leather (Inf)-20 x Rough Cloth+6 x Basic Leather+4 x Scrap Metal+4 x Needle=1 x Padded Leather
Craft Peasant Archer's Tunic (Arch)-10 x Rough Cloth+3 x Basic Leather+2 x Scrap Metal +3 x Needle=1 x Peasant Archer's Tunic

Deployable Shield (All)-8 x Basic Wood+3 x Rough Cloth=1 x Deployable Shield

Пока всё на подходе четвёртый уровень совсем чуть-чуть осталось. Если что могу сделать скрины .

Добавлено спустя 5 минут 10 секунд:
zDevilBox wrote:Dodge this, Again ?

Этот квест появится на 16 уровне
Я так понял сила качается от количества мелле експы , а ловкость от рендж експы. И с некоторых уровней
  • Рандомная аватара. Подставляется автоматически при отсутствии установленной пользователем аватары. Рекомендуется менять на свою в Центре пользователя.
  • Troll
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Reputation point: 0

Re: Портирование Nord Invasion

Post Number:#38  Postby K700 » 25 Jul 2014, 20:55

Прогресс работы: Image
Реализован рынок, покупка/продажа/экипировка предметов.
Осталось заполнить таблицы предметов и требуемых классов для них, узнать количество опыта, выдаваемого за оставшихся ботов и реализовать механизм прокачки силы и ловкости. И можно выпускать NordInvasion Fianna Early Access.
Писать только по поводу доната, аренды серверов, рекламы, сотрудничества, найденных багов, проблем с регистрацией ID. Ну или телочкам, желающим переспать. Не занимаюсь администрированием серверов, разбанами, жалобами, набором админов, не ставлю значки в тс.
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M&B Status:
Reputation point: 156

Re: Портирование Nord Invasion

Post Number:#39  Postby Troll » 26 Jul 2014, 22:01

Осадный капитан-200 XP :3
  • Рандомная аватара. Подставляется автоматически при отсутствии установленной пользователем аватары. Рекомендуется менять на свою в Центре пользователя.
  • Troll
      Not involved in the clans.
M&B Status:
Reputation point: 0

Re: Портирование Nord Invasion

Post Number:#40  Postby K700 » 28 Jul 2014, 11:57

Появилось еще несколько вопросов к прокаченным игрокам.

1)Продолжает ли получать опыт и лут высокоуровневый игрок на нормал сервере?
2)По поводу прокачки силы и ловкости. Вот скажем игрок качает пеха, все в mxp. Докачал силу до 30. Примерно на каком уровне это будет и сколько ловкости будет у персонажа? Возvожно ли после этого докачать ловкость до 30? Что для этого нужно делать, начать вкачивать в rxp или можно по прежнему рубитсья в ближнем бою?
3)Респециализация сбрасывает только основные классы или саппортные и конные тоже?
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M&B Status:
Reputation point: 156


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