The server rules life is feudal (ENG)

The server rules life is feudal (ENG)

Post Number:#1  帖子Krinym » 06 3月 2015, 09:39

Joining the server, you default undertake and agree to abide by the following rules.

1. Bugs, Bahaus etc.
1.1) it is Forbidden to use known and not known to the public bugs, software errors and incorrect representations of objects, any kind of flaws or not stable server, etc.
1.2) do not use hanging objects to penetrate the foreign settlement.
1.3) Bug is considered to be the "stuck" for penetration for private, foreign territory. Use this command only if you get stuck.

2. Smoking cheats, etc. to gain an advantage over other players

3. Rules of the chat server.
3.1) Prohibited communications that violate common ethical and moral rules of conduct in the game, determined by the administration of the project, or the content, insulting other players.
3.2) to impersonate a representative of the Administration server or the game
3.3) Insults and threats of violence in RL (only in RP and only character without swear words. Nothing else)
3.4) the Distribution of links to other resources, advertising is not permitted by the administration
3.5) use of profanity (only in RP), veiled Mat Caps.
3.6) prohibited tobagonian resources for endless receiving them, except for the immediate vicinity or in the field.
 ! Krinym 写道:
Temporary rule abolished. At the moment, on the contrary encouraged glitchy resources after the introduction of destructible mines (approximately April) tobagonian will be banned

4. Fighting
4.1) Forbidden relog and following the appearance on the territory of settlements belonging to other players with the purpose of robbery, attacks or other actions. If unintentionally output(Reloj) you are obliged to leave the territory of the settlement in any way without taking any action.
4.2) it is Prohibited to enter the territory of settlements by using bugs in the game.
If you accidentally fall into the territory of another settlement bug, you should report this in global chat, and not taking hostile actions in any way to leave the territory of the settlement, once you come out you should report it in global chat. If it happened during the attack you can still attack you in 5 minutes after leaving the settlement.

Proof of guilt is a screenshot, video, direct detection of GMOs.
Deliberate introduction administration misled and slander also punishable.
All decisions shall be taken by the administration and discussion of the actions of the administration is prohibited, if you want to Express criticism or not consent, you can write in drug individually

The administration reserves the right to make rules necessary changes.

The punishment.
For violation should be punished up to ban.
The choice of punishment for a leave.
Newly created character and to comply with rules is amnistirovannii. Depending on the violations in question can decide on regular Banach new accounts.
Our lives are on the server depends on ourselves, treat others as you would like them to treat you.

Currently, the GM can get a meal and wine for the resources required for their production.
100 flour = 500 wheat
100 wine = 500 grape
  • 头像
  • Krinym
      Not involved in the clans.
M&B Status:
Reputation point: 21

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