New questions from a foreigner

New questions from a foreigner

Post Number:#1  帖子mircea » 17 6月 2016, 19:22

From now on, when I have a perplexity, I will write it down right here - after reading the wikia website, of course.

The today`s questions, if you could help me, are:

- how do I level up as engineer? (because I don`t see any reference to any stat; no number, nothing...). I became apprentice right after becoming longbowman, and now I only need 6 class points and some range xp points in order to become a sniper. How do I know when I could become a regular engineer? Does it have to do with the number of deployable shield that I`ve used in battles till now?

- I am an apprentice engineer, and I cannot wield but one single deployable shield in my inventory. I`ve seen many players are able to carry 3 deployable shields from the start of the battle (and not only by picking them up from the ground)

- finally, how do I properly set the deployable shield? Sometimes, it doesn`t seem to work. In fact, I aimlessly push left mouse button and F button simultaneously, and it works ... well... sometimes. Some other times it doesn`t. I already know I need to not select another object from the ground while I try to deploy the shield.

I put this questions because I didn`t find any information on the wikia website. Maybe there is some other references in english for people like me?

Thanks for your hospitality :)
Have a nice day!
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  • mircea
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Re: New questions from a foreigner

Post Number:#2  帖子gs_fx » 17 6月 2016, 19:36

1) You can upgrade your support class (engineer/medic) when you reach the required character level. On 39 lvl you'll get Engineer and on 50 lvl you'll get siege engineer.
2) New support classes unlock new items such as deployable shield sets (2 and 3). This means you can pick them in your inventory and spawn on the map. However, you need to get such item in your inventory (either craft or buy from the auction hall). You can ask players to craft items for you (you give them the required resources and get back the item) or learn your own profession and craft for yourself. There is a list of all craftable items. Item stats can be found here.
3) You can use all support items just like throwing weapons (clicking the attack button, LMB by default). Deployable shields and explosive barrels only need to be placed on the ground while barricades need to be constructed after placing. Medic boxes heal when thrown and can be restored just like regular ammo.

There is the official site of this mod, You can find all the information there (mostly on forums). However, something may be outdated or different from FNI (but correct for NI).

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Re: New questions from a foreigner

Post Number:#3  帖子mircea » 17 6月 2016, 20:01

Thanks for answers. I`ve already had 21 single deployable shields, crafted by me, but now I see that it had to be a set of up to three shields. Good to know. I`ve just purchased one set of three. Now, it will be easier when I am alone on the battlefield.
Thanks for all the informations, and for the link. It is now much clearer to me.
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  • mircea
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Re: New questions from a foreigner

Post Number:#4  帖子mircea » 13 8月 2016, 21:30

I have another question, if you don`t mind. As far as I know, there are two ways of trading between players: the auction hall and the In-house trading. I still didn`t manage to figure out how trading can be performed between two players from different Houses, or between players that are not engaged in a house. What am I asking is: what is the purpose of the nordinvasion forum when it comes to trading, apart from the trade intention part?
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  • mircea
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