Medieval_PW Game Rules and unban.

版主: Tiger_Tiger

Medieval_PW Game Rules and unban.

Post Number:#1  帖子mavrodix » 29 7月 2015, 11:25

1. General:
Ignorance of the rules is no excuse.
1.1 The administration warns players about changing the rules.
1.2 The Administration may change the card only on the results of the weekly vote.
1.3 It is forbidden to impersonate the administrator players are not.
1.4 It is forbidden to use nicknames and names of Lord fractions bearing the veiled mat, swearing and insults. Punishment: ban for an hour.
1.5 It is desirable to use role-playing nicknames and names of the factions belonging to the Middle Ages, without content CAPSA, and numbers. As a postscript to nick you can use your social status (Lord, Sir, itd) your name, your nickname. Please note that your title is written before the name of the game, and after the name of the nickname. Examples of names of players: Ser_Oleg_Hrabriy; Knyaz_Igor_Mudriy; Sasha_Bistronog;
Examples of names of factions: Crusaders; Heroes; Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves.
1.6 The administration of the server is not must to compensate the players things and money that have been lost due to unplanned restart the server.
1.7 It is forbidden to insult the administration to interfere with her work. If you do not like the work of the administration, leave the complaint. PENALTY: Mut.
1.8 The administration is not perfect and can make mistakes if you think that you are being punished unjustly, or you have any suggestions on how to improve server performance, you can appeal the decision of the administration in a particular subject.

2. Guidelines on the server:
2.1 Prohibited to swear in the global "T" and the admin "backspace" chat. PENALTY: Mut.
2.2 It is forbidden to reenter join the server when receiving Mut(You dont can to say) or frieze within 15 minutes. Punishment: ban for an hour.
2.3 Faction members and Commoners cannot help outlaws even if they ask for help. Punishment: ban for an hour.

3. Examples of kill reasons::
You get the right to kill another player if:

A player has kicked/punched you 2 times. (For 20 minutes can kill)

You are at war. (See on the "Tab")

You are kicked from a faction (You can attack the lord who kicked you from the faction).

The lord of a faction can attack someone who tries to vote a new lord (The guy who makes the poll not the guy being voted to lord).

You can kill the guy who put an assassination contract on your head if you manage to find out who did (through in game roleplay)

The player violates a condition that you set:
"(Name), do not come to me or to kill," "Bandits go on the gate or kill"; "(Nick) did not pick things up or shoot."
They have stolen your items or loot. (Warning needed!) Note, Loot is defined as armor, items or horses which got gained through a kill on a person who had it.

You have been threatened by a person with a weapon.

They are destroying/stealing your property.

These kill reasons only last for 20 minutes. The counter resets to 20 minutes when a new kill reason is initiated.

If you rob a player and it has resistance you or run away without fulfilling your requirements. (For 20 minutes can kill)

You robbed or attacked. (When you write that rob, you can immediately attack the robbers.) (20 minutes can kill)

If other players without war you spoil your own castle, breaking doors, chests, coffers or gate, you have the right to kill them without warning. (For 20 minutes can kill)

If someone stole your horse, you can kill him. If he managed to escape, shout that you kill him when they met. When you meet, you can write "(Nick) You're the one who stole my horse, you die!" and kill the thief. (For 20 minutes can kill)

If the head of the player a reward, you can use this as a reason to kill that player by writing it in a chat before the attack. "(Nick) over your head a reward! You will die!" Take screenshots that avoid problems.

If you're an assassin, and you have a contract to kill the player.

Can you kill the doctor if he treats your opponents.

If attacked by a man in your comprising a faction allied with you according to the "6.2".

If you legally kill a player for 30 seconds you have the right to kill anyone who tries to take his stuff without warning. After this time you must write the players "not to take things."

If you are robbed \ attacked, and you survived, you have the right to kill criminals as long as they do not die (see Tab number of deaths not to break the rules. After their death, you can no longer take revenge on them for that they have done to you in a past life, not counting the war). See the rule of a new life, paragraph 8.

The attack on the role of another player without reason called "RDM".
RDM includes all attacks causing damage to another character, such as punches, kicks, moving his horse shot from long-range weapons or melee strikes. PENALTY: BAN FOREVER. '' '

4. Hired murder:
To carry out the murder hired assassin \ s must \ s have screenshots where you can see the purpose of \ and the employer, and the reason for the order. The reasons may be abusive or violent to your address in this life (read the rules of a new life), intrigue (struggle for power). The minimum payment for services assassin \ s 5000 per person. Before the murder, you have to say in chat "Order the murder of" Name ".
You don't need approval by an admin. In order to make a valid assasination contract, you need to type "Target, Reason, Contract giver + possible helpers" into the admin chat.
Assassinations needs to have a payment of a minimum of 5.000 gold before the contract begins.

If the victim dies before the end of the order, it shall be considered invalid.
Assassins can execute the order being in any faction.

5. How to rob:
The bandits can rob any player of all his existing property, belongings and money to take players into captivity or slavery.
Faction players may rob bandits and other factional players except the commoners, to take prisoner.
Commoners have no right to rob and imprison anyone.

To rob write nickname of the victim and their demands at a distance by a "Q" (chat) or "Q + Shift" (cry). The victim is 10 seconds to meet the requirements, then it can kill.
You can write your nickname victim and ready to use voice animation robbery (- ;4), and then submit their claims.
Examples robberies "(Nick) Drop your weapon and show the purse is a robbery!"; "(Nick) as well, stripped naked, or you will die!".

Tips & Tricks: When the victim of a robbery demand dropped weapon, as it can attack you.
To show the purse to another player, you need to look at it, press "shift + f12", then hold down the "C" and select the "reveal money pouch to target".
You can not rob the player in an amount greater than he has in his wallet.

Violation of these rules can be counted as an RDM

6. The war between the factions and forging alliances:
6.1 The declaration of war:
Declare war can be found in the castle of his faction with 70% of the army and all of banners faction. Before that, in 3 minutes, three times you need to write in the name of the global chat faction that declares war and the cause of the war:
(Killed \ robbed of our soldiers (nickname), insulted the Lord, refused to hand over the lock \ to pay tribute, attacked the Allied capture of the world).
When declaring a war you need to clearly state three times in the chat that you are declaring on the given faction.
The attacking faction must make valid attempts to capture the enemies' castle, if the the faction who declared make no attempt to capture/siege the enemy castle within 15 minutes of declaring the war may be deemed as illegal, repeated breach of this rule may result in the perpetrator being banned

War can't be declared on the Outlaws or Commoners.
The defending faction may redeclare after peace even if 70% is not at the mercenary camp, redeclaring must happen in less than 15 seconds.
Default wars (created after server reset/restart) are not considered war, killing someone because of it is RDM.

6.2 Military alliances:
You can enter into military alliances with other players for the general convenience, or get money for military assistance to another faction. If you enter into a military alliance, you should write after the name of his faction A: // name of the Union faction
Another group must also change its name to Union zaimel force. Being in the union you have to declare war on all factions warring with your ally and jointly act on opponents using aid as a reason for the Allies attack.

6.3 Terms of the war:
1) After the declaration of war, at least 15 minutes must be concrete efforts to capture attack from declared war. PENALTY: WARNING, relapse - Cick Lord factions.
2) You cannot war a faction which has no land. Faction without lock can declare war, as a fraction having a lock, for example to gather in the camp, to write about the war, and within 3 minutes to walk to the castle War enemy.
3) After the conclusion of peace between the factions that have possession of the world must go 15 minutes. PENALTY: WARNING, relapse - CIC LORDS factions.

7. Game fraud:
7.1 You can not use the program to gain an advantage in the game, such as Autolock.

7.2 You can not use carts for use bag / lock through the gates and on the walls. It is the use of game mechanics imperfections in selfish purposes. On land, you can block the passages if there is room to pass.


8. The rule of a new life:
8.1 The player has the right to complain about the other players at the violation of the rule of a new life. The offender will receive a punishment only in the event of a complaint from an injured player. This rule means that, after death, your life is partially reset.
That is, after the death of the rules, you can not:
1) demand the return of the selected property.
2) to avenge their deaths (if you want to use assassins, you will need to find a new reason for the contract.)
After a revival in 10 minutes you can not rob \ attacking player who killed you \ s. Excluding war.
Punishment: ban for an hour.

For infringements of rules related to the chat room, punishment is Mut for rejoining the game earlier than 15 minutes after the mutation - a ban on the hour (for the output mutom out for more than 15 minutes, resolved).
 Exit the game earlier than 15 minutes after the frieze or output during clashes with the administration - ban all (in the group has the theme of "Application for razban.")

Thank you for attention! Administration Medieval_PW.

!!!!! You can request to unblock !!!!

Here you can request a unban.

Application Form:
1) What is your nickname.
2) The administrator or moderator that banned you.
3) The reason why you banned.
4) Your version / remorse.
5) Time and date of the ban time indicating the time zone.
6) What good can you do for the server to increase your chances of unban?
  • 头像
  • mavrodix
      Not involved in the clans.
M&B Status:
Reputation point: 0

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