My character is gone (nord invasion)

Hello everyone, greetings from Serbia.
Sorry to post this here, but I didn't find a nord invasion section, so I hope this is ok.

The thing is that mine, and my friend's characters on nord invasion are missing, so i would like to know if we were banned for something, and if so, why, and is it permanent, and if not, how do we get unbaned?

The characters names are '' Pop_Milo and '' Cile_Sitnije ''.

If anyone can help me with this I would appreciate it very much.
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Re: My character is gone (nord invasion)

Post Number:#2  Postby Versus » 04 Oct 2014, 17:21

We fully released our mod, so it was charachters wipe. You should create them one more time and play from the beginning. We add craft, houses and so on. So we need wipe. Sorry but we warned about this...
M&B Status:
Reputation point: 23

Yeah, I see that now. No problem. Thanks for the reply.
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Reputation point: 0

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